Wave 3 access platforms

To satisfy the needs of both our research driven and non-research savvy audience we are now expanding the forms of data delivery. Along with the more visual and more structured online tool, we are making our data accessible via IMS Clear Decisions.

IMS Clear Decisions is a new form of data delivery that allows the more research focused users to work with the data in a desktop tool. It gives users more flexibility in analysis, working around crosstabs.

If you would like to find out more please contact the team on globalwebindex@trendstream.net

Wave 3 Launch dates

The July data will be released to clients in two stages; depending on the access points you are subscribing to:

  • Online tool: 2nd week in August
  • IMS Clear Decisions: 3rd week in August
  • Any proprietary data delivery formats: 3rd week in August

Updates to the online tool

After the launch of our new online tool we are now working on developing it even further using our users feedback as guidance. The objective of the “reskin” is to simplify the navigation and analysis even further whilst allowing for more visualisation and flexibility in the output. The GWI reskin will go live in the next few weeks! Even though training sessions might not be required by many of you, we will still get in touch, just to check that you feel confident using it and you are getting the most out of it.

The reskin development will include:

  • A more structured analysis process with clearly defined “topline analysis” for global stats and trends and a more detailed “audience analysis” for more personalised analysis
  • Analysis of trend data
  • The addition of index scores and universe estimates
  • Integrated help features
  • Step by step video guides

Expanding our survey data

New Questions

We have also added a number of new sections and categories in Wave 3 that will provide greater focus on social media and its global impact:

  • The barriers to social media involvement
  • How do social media ‘compete’ with TV news when it comes to breaking news or information?
  • What drives people to pay for online content?
  • What do consumers want from brands social media platforms by category?
  • Plus …. new categories analysis: Healthcare + Alcoholic Drinks

New markets

Wave 3 will also include Poland and Malaysia. Wave 4 will now cover Singapore, Indonesia, Turkey, and South Africa. Wave 5 is scheduled to cover Argentina, Philippines and Sweden and beyond that we are looking towards the Middle East for Wave 6.

Our remit is to cover a wide range of markets and we welcome any future recommendations.

2010 Ratecard

The rate card for the remainder of 2010 will remain the same despite the increase in markets and increased range of past data.

Offices Global Data Access. Price per office licence Regional Access Single Market
Single £14K $21K €15K -20% -40%
Two £12K $18K €13K -20% -40%
Three £10K $15K €11K -20% -40%
Four + £8K $12K €9K -20% -40%

You’ve read our blog, now see our platform

Every business has questions about its audiences, GWI has answers. Powered by consistent, global research, our platform is an on-demand window into their world.
