Following last week’s series on device importance, today’s Chart explores devices used to access the internet among Generation X (aged 35-53 in 2017).

86% of Gen X are now getting online via a smartphone – a figure up 23 percentage-points since 2013. Over this period, PCs/laptops have experienced consistent declines and 2017 is the year that smartphones overtook PCs/laptops as the most popular internet access point among these digital consumers.

This visible shift among Gen X – who had to adapt to the digital revolution in early adulthood – is just another sign of how smartphones continue to strengthen their position as the primary internet device.

That said, this trend is yet to be observed for our oldest tracked generation, Baby Boomers, who continue to be most likely to be reaching for PCs/laptops to get online (88% vs. 70% for smartphone).

Smartphone Now Top Device for Gen X Internet AccessExplore data in PRO Platform

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