Continuing our social media theme, today we focus on an audience of Celebrity Networkers, who use social to keep up with celebrities, and what their attitudes spell out for brands.

Looking at the self-perceptions where this audience over-index the most, we see the importance of self image, trends and group-belonging. In fact, the biggest over-indexes are for buying products to be part of a community (+15%), and for keeping up with the latest fashions (+14%). This suggests that Celebrity Networkers are impressionable to brands with a certain profile and status, and are likely to buy into brands that can boost their image and social standing. In line with this, this audience are 17% more likely to say they want brands to make them feel cool/trendy.

As well as being image-conscious, this audience are more affected by the opinions of their peers. They’re 16% more likely than average to say they are easily swayed by other people’s opinions, with those in APAC especially responsive to what others think (48%).

For brands and marketers, this points to the importance of user-generated content, gaining  positive brand advocates, and the potential for influencer marketing. As expected, this audience are 40% more likely to be discovering new brands via celebrity endorsements and vloggers, showing that if a brand can get this audience on side, there’s clear opportunity for it to quickly become a part of the community they care about.

To find out more about social media behaviors, download a free summary of our new flagship Social report here.


Written by

Katie is a Strategic Insights Manager at GWI. Moving to the company 4 years ago, Katie heads up the Strategic Insights team, overseeing the production of bespoke assets for clients. Katie also writes on GWI's blog, with a particular interest in social media and marketing.

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