Today we begin a short series examining the social habits of different generations by looking at the role of social as a content consumption tool among Gen Z, and how this impacts their platform choices.

Above all, social media serves as a content consumption tool for this young generation. Our data shows an unexpected motivation for Gen Z – they are more likely to be using social media to fill up spare time and find entertainment, rather than to stay in touch with friends.

These motivations do differ slightly by market. Gen Z consumers in mature markets still see social primarily as a means of connecting with peers, while those in fast growth markets tend to prioritize finding news or entertainment content above connecting with friends.

These significant over-indexes for content consumption and meeting new people help explain why this generation are also much more likely to be using community-based platforms like Twitch and Reddit. These are platforms which lie at the intersection between personal interests and social media.

Gen Z are defined as internet users aged 16-20.

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